Only showing Transactions used to calculate the Qty Included of the Wood C key of the Late Seventy Three Mark I Stage Piano (90375) owned by Person 24 Remove
Date Type From To To Assembly
1862.64 90375
Transaction Attributes
Name Value
Transaction Line Groups
Group Total Amt
Transaction Lines
Description Group Quantity From From To Unit To Ext Assembly
Unit Amt Ext Amt Amt Amt
Tone bar #7 1 1.00 0.2011 0.20 0.6204 0.62 90375
Tone bar #70 1 1.00 0.2011 0.20 0.6204 0.62 90375
Tone bar #71 1 1.00 0.2011 0.20 0.6204 0.62 90375
Tone bar #72 1 1.00 0.2011 0.20 0.6204 0.62 90375
Tone bar #73 1 1.00 0.2011 0.20 0.6204 0.62 90375
Tone bar #8 1 1.00 0.2110 0.21 0.6204 0.62 90375
Tone bar #9 1 1.00 0.2110 0.21 0.6204 0.62 90375
Tone bar grommet 1 146.00 0.0984 14.37 0.4391 64.11 90375
Tone bar washer 1 146.00 0.0942 13.75 0.4383 63.99 90375
Treble damper arm set 1 2.00 0.0000 0.00 0.6925 1.39 90375
Upper harp hinge lock nut 1 2.00 0.0887 0.18 0.2603 0.52 90375
Upper harp hinge screw 1 2.00 0.2641 0.53 0.6204 1.24 90375
Upper Seventy Three Stage cabinet half - straight side 1 1.00 0.0000 0.00 0.5758 0.58 90375
Upper Stage split side cabinet half 1 1.00 0.3231 0.32 0.7598 0.76 90375
Wood A key 1 6.00 0.6977 4.19 0.6967 4.18 90375
Wood B key 1 6.00 0.6977 4.19 0.6967 4.18 90375
Wood black key 1 30.00 0.1944 5.83 0.5899 17.70 90375
Wood C key 1 6.00 0.6977 4.19 0.6967 4.18 90375
Wood D key 1 6.00 0.6977 4.19 0.6967 4.18 90375
Wood E key 0.6977 4.19 0.6967 4.18
Transaction Line Attributes
Name Value
From URL